I was pretty sad to hear the news that Isaiah Mustafa would no longer be promoting Old Spice coupons, but I guess all good things must come to an end. Sigh … but to full the gaping hole in my life left by the absence of the ld Old Spice guy, the execs at the men’s grooming company have begun testing replacements including Italian male model Fabio and Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis.
The newest ad featuring the football star were made by Wiedan + Kennedy, the same Oregon-based advertising firm behind the Mustafa campaign. I can’t say that Lewis’ raw sexual magnetism parallels Mustafa’s, but watching him ride a jet-powered raven and blast off to Saturn is pretty awesome in its own way.
What do y’all think of these new ads? Is the concept of the Old Spice guy overplayed? Or will Lewis make the role his own? I’m still undecided, because we’re talking about one of the most iconic advertising campaigns of the millennium, and it’d be hard or anyone to live up to that – but it would be a waste of a lot of creative momentum not to try. If it was up to you, who would step up as the new promoter of Old Spice coupons? I’d love to hear your suggestions!
I guess the "I'm on a horse" ad is the answer because if I *could* get over the fact that it smells like my dad then this campaign would actually make me give it a whirl. Of course, at that point I'd probably say "Hmmmm, not too long on subtlety" and never use it again. But regardless, my hat is off to the creatives who managed this one because it is rather funny.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 10/04/2011 at 10:55 PM